
Sexual Health

Respect your health and that of others.

Fab recommends: Get Educated, Get Tested and Play Safe.

NHS Sexual Health Site www.nhs.uk/live-well/sexual-health

The two most common sexually transmitted infections are Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea. You can catch (or transmit) both through unprotected unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex. Read more on at NHS: www.nhs.uk/conditions/chlamydia and www.nhs.uk/conditions/gonorrhoea.

NHS Find a Sexual Health Clinic www.nhs.uk/service-search/sexual-health

Free Online Sexual Health Tests from freetest.me or sh:24 in conjunction with NHS www.freetest.me or SH:24 at sh24.org.uk

Wales: NHS Wales home testing kit order online free.

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